2018 Catfishing ACTION!

MY 28 pound BLUECAT Nov.5th. 2007 and a 26 pound blue cat on the bottom of the boat !!

Here is the information of the trips of this 2018 CATFISHING season.

Be sure to support you local bait shops during these rought times as best you can. Once those folks close down there will NOT be anyone to provide that service to us.

YOU can sharpen up your catfish catching skills by reading this informative Kindle e-book. Just CLICK on the photo and it will connect you to the Amazon book store! So check it out, it cost less than a dozen night crawlers at the bait shop.


throw the hook right at the bank. All my action came on my bluegill rod, Had 2 taps on my catfish rod. A heavy rain shower at noon time ended our day, but it was fun to catch some fish again. I look forward to returning to that pond this fall.

August 26th. My grandson & I got out on my boat on the Ohio River. We fished four different spots along the river. We used one fresh Shad cut up, seasoned chicken breast, hot seasoned mett, shrimp for bait. My grandson got 3 taps and I got 1 on the strawberry seasoned chicken. Those taps were at one spot, nothing else happen the rest of the trip. So it was another disappointing trip in the boat. Long boat rides but no fish in the boat.

my 2lb 2 oz channel cat

12th. AugustI have had many things happen that has delayed updating this page. I have been fishing in a couple lakes and the Ohio River bank & in my boat 15 times since my last entry. The trips to the lakes had to do with the Ohio River being too high and muddy to fish. My first trip in my boat on the river was June 22nd! One trip was with my brother on a guided trip, where I caught three catfish. One other trip with a friend in his boat I caught 1 catfish. One trip to a friend’s lake I caught a nice channel catfish. I finally got my first catfish in my boat on august the 9th!

So this has not been a very good catfishing season so far for me. I am hoping that thing really get better in the weeks ahead. The water should cool down some in September & and October. The river should be very stable and clear, the bait fish should be easier to get.

April 19 UPDATE: I took a Florida fishing trip from april 11th to the 16th. The motel my fiend and I stayed at was a good set up for us. They had a small dock that was off the Intercostals Water Way for us to fish if we wanted.

My friend is a pier fishermen fan so we did go to 2 different piers in two days. It is a very different way of fishing that I am used to doing. You do get plenty of bites, hooking the fish is hard part. The fish just peck and peck your bait. Just about the time you want to pull they drop the bait. I learned most of the time the fish have cleaned off your hook. The folks at the piers have a tendency to crowd your space to cast their lines. We did catch enough Blue Runner fish the second day for a nice dinner meal.

Saturday night I went out to our dock to fish for some catfish that might be there. I had squid for bait the whole time I was fishing on this trip, and it worked well. Since I was warned about one of the catfish down there is known to fin you and cause a lot of pain I was very careful whenever I caught one. That night I caught two catfish, both swallow the bait so I just cut the line. Called a day at 20:30 for I was planning on trying dock the next morning.

We were informed the weather was going to be too windy for pier fishing. The wind was blowing up to 35 mph so we did fish from 09:20 on the dock till noon time. I did catch 3 more catfish, biggest was in the 3-4 pound range. My friend caught a Lady Fish a small sea bass and a couple other small fish. Then the rain showed up for the rest of the day. A cold front was coming in; that my friend said would kill off fishing for a couple of days. So we decided to head back home a day early.

It was a learning experience and I did get some days with warm and sunny weather. I am a home body, so it is good to be back home again.

The weather so far this Spring has been ROTTEN, I have not been able get get out and fished as I had hoped to do. That is the reason for no updates for some time.
April 6th.My grandson and I tried to catch some catfish at a local county lake. Got our lines in the water around 11:40, there were already a number of other fishermen at the dam wall area.
The lake water was clouded up some and strong winds keep on gusting while we were there. We had chicken liver and strawberry seasoned chicken breast for bait. Both of us had one rod dead line and one with a bobber rig.
I got one bite on the bobber rig with the chicken breast at 12:20, my only bite of the day. My grandson tried for some trout with corn and had a couple of bites but no hook ups. At 13:50 he did finally catch a decent size Bluegill on a wax worm. So He was not skunked anyway. Of the 7 guys fishing by us, I only saw 2 of them catch fish. The one guy had a number of channel cats and a few trout in his basket. He was using night crawlers for bait. The other guy I saw caught 1 channel cat
We packed it in and headed for home around 14:30. No bites and the winds were getting stronger. Since the river is in flood might have try there again in the future. The fishing gods are still mad at me for something, for I just can not get any action when fishing. The positive side we were able to spend some time together. I also figured out the problem I had with my closed face spinning reel so it cast well now.

Feb 27th. Joe took me to a private pond that he has access to fish. He got his line in the water at 1:15 p.m., I was trying out my wireless depth finder. For neither one of us had any idea of how deep or what structure of this pond. The water was muddy and a steady breeze was blowing all the time we were there. The water temp was around 60 degress. Joe hooked a 10 inch L.M.Bass at 1:30 on a night crawler, so I thought this was going to be a busy day.

Then nothing much happened, Joe did get a blue gill that he then try for bait. Then around 2:45 the bluegills started hitting my small bobber set up. My catfish bobber rig just got one light tap all day.

They were biting very softly just barely moving the bobber before going with it. That was why about half swallowed the hook. We called it a day around 4:30 all of the fish were caught on night crawler. I had a total of 16 bluegills and one white Crappie. It was a good way to spend a sunny day. I am looking forward to going back the when the weather is warmer.

FEB 19th Update: My brother and I went to our local bait shop and got our 2018 license before the price increase. Then we went to scout out a county lake to check out the shore line. Since he has trouble walking the bank can NOT be steep at all. The roads around the lake were closed but did look over the ramp area.
We could bank fish around that area and across the other side when they open up that road. We tried to check out the dam area but the road was closed so not able to check it out at all. The Lake itself was very muddy, not sure when it will be cleared up to fish. At least I know where the ramp and dock is located to launch my boat later this season.

Jan 1st UPDATE: I will be doing a lot of lake fishing for catfish that is new for me in 2018. My brother and I will be checking out new bank fishing spot since the old spot is no longer productive.

I will also be using the Santee rig to see if it increases my number of bites. I am hoping these efforts will allow me & my brother to once again have some very fun day’s catfishing again. I wish everyone loads of action this coming season!

Here is the video clip I made of RIGS I use to catch SKIPJACKS for catfish bait from YOUTUBE.

For tips I have USED to save money on fishing tackle check out.
Home Made Bobber For CATFISHING

Here is my way for hooking up a cheap power set for your portable fishfinder.

CANADIAN Catfishing
If you want to catch HUGE channel cats in the 20 to 25 lb range go to Canada. The Red River at Lockport, Manitoba is the place to go! Catfishing Trip Of A Life Time OR
Lockport Catfishing Experience

Huge Channel Cat from Lockport Manitoba Another Red River Monster Channel Cat from LOCKPORT MANITOBA!

UPDATED 04-26-19

Before you pack up your Catfishing gear; don't forget to BOOKMARK My page now, THANKS.

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